
Results 10 issues of James

Branch: Master Backend: imgui_impl_glfw + imgui_impl_opengl3 Compilers tested: windows + msys2/mingw64, on AMD Screenshots ImGui rendering a rectangle with a colour of IM_COL(128, 0, 0, 255) (incorrect) ![srgbincorrect](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/755197/71348220-fde73700-2563-11ea-9716-31d75a2bd01e.PNG) ImGui with...

color spaces

I've been pinning this issue down for a while, I'm on windows 10, on 22.3.1 on a 6700xt When enqueuing a lot of kernels, if the kernels share any common...

Hi there! I recently bought a 6700xt and have been running into a few issues with the OpenCL support, top of which is that device side enqueues via enqueue_kernel seem...

Hi again! I recently switched from an r9 390 to a 6700xt and I'm reporting OpenCL bugs as I find them. Creating an OpenGL texture and trying to share it...

Both of these functions are absolutely hideously complicated to implement correctly and required a lot of reverse engineering, and I thought they might well be useful to have generally. I've...

Hello! This is a branch to potentially use the imtui fork of ImGui for DFHack scripts, so that they can have a nice modern UI behind them. Myk002 asked me...

_msize returns the real allocation size of a pointer by using windows heap black magic. This function is significantly more useful than the equivalent on linux (which seems to have...

Hi there! Lots of people have bundled over here from twitter which is nice If you run into any problems getting this to run, please post: Your OS, GPU, and...

Hi there. There's an implementation detail of v8 that means that this only works for the first 1000 numbers generated or so, then itll start randomly encountering failures to work...

### Description / Steps to reproduce the issue Repro is attached. Download and extract, then compile it as such from the mingw64 terminal: gcc -std=c++23 -fext-numeric-literals -fno-omit-frame-pointer -O2 repro.cpp This...
