
Results 12 comments of mate

Have you switched on the system app hooking? There are watchdog issues when hookimg system apps. Could you provide your preferences of Badintent Android?

Turn off system hooking :) up to now badintent focuses on user app hooking. Full system support is on its way (some parts are not published yet)

Before rebooting, you can simply change the BadIntent configuration :)

Hi, oh, you are right , it is disabled by default. Do you have a chance to use logcat and provide the output? Regards Mateusz

I am working on it :) In (approx) December there will be a greater commit / update, which will tackle the boot freeze issues.

True... the Parcel implementation has changed over the different Android versions. I will have a look at it in the next days.

I have already submitted the tool to portswigger. It is currently in their review phase.

@leonardoalt: I am really interested in your work. Would it be possible to verify liveness properties - e.g. in the sense of CTL/LTL?

Easy example, consider Ethernaut's King Level ``` .. function() external payable { require(msg.value >= prize); king.transfer(msg.value); king = msg.sender; prize = msg.value; } ``` Actually what I would like...

Spot instance interruptions occur and are non-negligible as you mention. I'd follow the "keep it simple stupid" principle here and just provide a warning in case a spot instance has...