Tim Robinson

Results 16 issues of Tim Robinson

Delegating to the existing slice impls. Without these impls we could just compare two vecs as slices, but: - It requires the `&v[..]` or `v.as_slice()` syntax, on both sides of...

The `toml` crate has a trick for this. Their `serialize_struct` recognises their built-in `datetime` type by name, and delegates to a specialised serializer: https://github.com/alexcrichton/toml-rs/blob/c1a369f44762045e65989caa9491e153d1f358e6/src/ser.rs#L949-L952 Likewise to deserialize: https://github.com/alexcrichton/toml-rs/blob/c1a369f44762045e65989caa9491e153d1f358e6/src/de.rs#L582-L589

See https://github.com/1tgr/xargo-barebones for reference. This repo is a minimal Xargo-based project, with its own std. Initial `xargo build` under 'app' works fine. If you modify libstd/src/lib.rs, then `xargo build` under...

From the RFC: https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc6455 > Note that in all cases, the minimal number of bytes MUST be used to encode the length, for example, the length of a 124-byte-long string...

Mentioned by @bluetech on ba1f935f250b8249f2581d0620784c0f45fc737a: https://github.com/1tgr/rust-websocket-lite/blob/ba1f935f250b8249f2581d0620784c0f45fc737a/websocket-codec/src/upgrade.rs#L118 > This function is not exactly right; it will also accept e.g. `Upgrade2` but it shouldn't. > > To be fully pedantic, the websocket...

After initial buffers are allocated (or allocating a buffer on the stack), assert that no memory is allocated or freed to transmit or receive single-frame messages.


- ~`impl Encoder for UpgradeCodec`~ probably not, as the web framework will handle sending of headers for the Upgrade request - Integration with relevant web framework(s): - [x] hyper -...


Measure sustained bytes per second, receiving and sending.


See if we can measure wire-to-wire latency. Given a Websocket test harness that responds as fast as it can to an incoming frame, precisely measure the time from the first...


Examples: - Rust - [ ] [websocket](https://crates.io/crates/websocket) - [ ] [tokio-tungstenite](https://crates.io/crates/tokio-tungstenite) - [ ] [ws](https://crates.io/crates/ws) - C++ - todo - Go - todo
