AndroidNetworking.upload("https://webaddress-goes_here.com/upload.php") I presume upload_photo is a web address ? What response do you get from the server, turning on PHP errors, etc can you browse the same page with no...
I did manage to get the original code working with the external drive, a bit of a hack but its working ok for me. I did step back for API...
Have you used the pdfView.scrollTo() method ?
Are you trying to use a button to scroll a set amount, not sure what you are trying to do exactly..
Ahh i see what you mean i dont use the standard constants so i dont really get a blur issue, but i can see what you mean.
Okay here is your fix, Create the int and increase everytime you do the action, button move your head etc, 25 is the pixels to move. Really interested in the...
@alanscott my code will scroll on a button but i find it doesnt redraw and rerender the pdf so you will see issues with your pdf as you scroll, It...
If you loop within your head tilt you can of course increase or decrease the value of Y on a scroll and it should scroll continuous in one direction, probably...
This is already added, just used it myself, you just have to generate the list that you wish to be used.
you would have to write your own code for this, but probably a few people who would help as its a feature lots of people want added.