Steven Grant
Steven Grant
hey @bradfrost thanks - I'm trying to get my head around how the main repo would bring in any customisations from this fork if I went down that route given...
I'm noticing this too @matthijssm @KasparRosin I've introduced a `VaporImage` field ``` Text::make('SEO Title'), Textarea::make('SEO Description'), VaporImage::make('SEO Image') ->help('This should be high res. so that we can manipulate size etc...
> Hey! > > We would appreciates pull requests on this matter. > > Since our go to media library is our own `outl1ne/nova-media-hub`, it might take some time until...
Have around 267 components so far and havent really seen any issues. Granted I haven't as yet set any contexts on all of them yet.
yeah, especially when it wipes out `index.php` for your CMS :)
good shout
there's an extension for this already by Iain Urquhart called Scrub. Best drop him a line for a copy.
@nathanpitman other option I just saw is
I wonder if this is what I'm running into with #907