Rob Roos

Results 7 issues of Rob Roos

I deployed the helm chart, and started the port forwarding as suggested in the helm output. When navigating to , the browser tells me ``` This page isn’t working...

Hello, after testing product " Demo Apache Webserver" I received an error in cloudformation: ``` Instance i-002063fcc56a1fa19 failed to stabilize. Current state: shutting-down. Reason: Client.InternalError: Client error on launch ```...

Hello, I ran into an issue. I saw in the pipeline this: ``` [Container] 2022/04/09 10:03:43 Running command aws cloudformation update-stack-set --stack-set-name SC-IAC-automated-IAMroles --parameters "[{\"ParameterKey\":\"RepoRootURL\",\"ParameterValue\":\"https://$\"}]" --template-url "[https://$](" --capabilities CAPABILITY_IAM CAPABILITY_NAMED_IAM...

The fluent-bit pod ( on minikube ) shows a lot of errors: ``` {"took":25,"errors":true,"items":[{"index":{"_index":"kubernetes_cluster-2019.05.16","_type":"flb_type","_id":"5Mf2wWoBjkwQFkQkrbET","status":400,"error":{"type":"mapper_parsing_exception","reason":"failed to parse","caused_by":{"type":"i_o_exception","reason":"Duplicate field '@timestamp'\n at [Source: org.elasticsearch.common.bytes.BytesReference$MarkSupportingStreamInputWrapper@5394d44b; line: 1, column: 816]"}}}},{"index":{"_index":"kubernetes_cluster-2019.05.16","_type":"flb_type","_id":"5cf2wWoBjkwQFkQkrbET","status":400,"error":{"type":"mapper_parsing_exception","reason":"failed to parse","caused_by":{"type":"i_o_exception","reason":"Duplicate field '@timestamp'\n at...

IN hands-on-jenkins/section_4/exercises/ it references to 4 files but they don't exist. Can you add those? The text looks like this: Practice See the following files: Jenkinsfile Jenkinsfile

Trying to understand how to start the workshop, but I don't get it. Can you give more info an that ?

Like Brian Rojas also stated in the comment on , I also see the function runs well in the lambda console, but running it with the API gateway it...