still working in progress :)
Hi, Doctor @josiahcarlson , could you please review these changes?
Hello Dr, thanks for taking time out of your busy schedule to reply. There are no time-sensitive problems, just take your time to do this please : )
What you need can be translated to the old-school crontab fomat: `scheduler.Every(1).Hour().At(":00").Lock()` =>` 0 */1 * * *` `scheduler.Every(1).Hour().At("**:30")` => `30 */1 * * *` Actually, `scheduler.Every(1).Hour()` runs at 00:00...
Sorry about that, here is the test file I used : [macro_docx_2013.docx](https://drive.google.com/open?id=1npct5fqdbSJS7tqVtI7I_x_N9iqSPOek)