Jason Chu

Results 12 comments of Jason Chu

This is intentional and part of these tests https://github.com/1lann/cete/blob/717790f29e5891f0a69604a1f3cdb16de8cce35d/count_test.go#L94-L100

This library is incomplete, and I have no plans of continuing development. You can take a look at the example: https://github.com/1lann/go-sip/blob/master/example/example_server.go and the server code: https://github.com/1lann/go-sip/tree/master/server if you're planning to...

Ah, you might be running the command line arguments a bit off? I'm not too sure, I haven't used my program in a long while, primarily because the League client...

Thanks a tonne for taking your time to test it out on those platforms, it's useful to know that it doesn't work on any platform. The ROFL file format is...

Yeah, Windows is not really supported. If you remove the if statements on lines 116 and 117 in recording.go such that on any error, `ErrMissingData` is returned, that will probably...

@kumailn I do not have push access to this repository, if I could merge it I would, the best I can do is resolve the merge conflict (which I have...

Likely caused by #148, #169 will resolve this

It is not being developed lmfao. Go use cloud catcher: https://cloud-catcher.squiddev.cc/

It won't, we can override it with event.preventDefault, which is what we already do with some keys.

I'd recommend just running the program multiple times for each directory you'd like to scan, it should be pretty trivial to write a bash script to automate this. I'm not...