Kaiser Roy

Results 10 comments of Kaiser Roy

important for processing satellite images as theycome in GEOTiff format >>> example use gdal.py >>> for given two satellite image BANDS band 4 and band 6>>> `from osgeo import gdal`...

yes it doesnot work as the way it should ! `Expected header "User Name" not found `


this works ✅🥳👍in [colab](https://colab.research.google.com/) **code** ``` !npm install -g n !n 20.8.1 !npm i gltfjsx ``` ``` !wget https://cdn-luma.com/71fb8d424f400eaa324e6f9d4bf6f2af74cefb319d057afb277cc46c838ed940/Yttgh_textured_mesh_glb.glb -O a.glb ``` ``` output = f'/content/a.glb' !npx gltfjsx {output} -t...

is there an way to visualize the model like http://alexlenail.me/NN-SVG/AlexNet.html ![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/26379748/212045544-a10dfdae-6db1-4893-a23f-f004aee8be3a.png)

nodejs update required https://blog.hubspot.com/website/update-node-js ``` node -v npm install -g n n latest node -v ``` for google colab ``` !npm install -g n !n latest ```

> just use this version for now: #665 > > https://github.com/BugCode1/gdrive/releases/tag/2.1.2 please make a gif tutorial pleaase >>

Please post a screen recording of the process, blurring out specific data >>>

it doesnot wirk inside gogle colab