
Results 15 comments of 1e1

It seems compex to explain what is wrong if the function has more parameter. What's happens with: `$rule = 'logged(user, channel) and group in ["customer", "guest"] and points > 30';`...

And a complete explaination: ``` var_dump( $ruler->explain(); ); /** * Will output: * logged(user, channel) and group in ["customer", "guest"] and points > 30' = true * | logged(user, channel)...

@vonglasow I wonder how `var_dump($context)` and `closure_dump()` could solve this issue. As you use a closure to define User context if you change: `$rule = 'logged(user) and group in ["customer",...

Moreover, I would like something like `highlight_code` for a beautiful display ;)

Can we specify in an other file, which color to join for each token. Perhaps a %filename%.pp-lut relative to %filename%.pp

Or shall we think about a "check style" tool? An extra file setup the coding style and the token style (text color, line break, spacing, etc) Perhaps there is the...

@Hywan I thought it is to highlight a rule written from a PP file.

I had feedback from Seat driver and VW drivers ;) Anyone can download a pool of EU POI on https://1e1.github.io/Open-GATSO-POI/ (It’s currently focus on France)

Discovery Media 2 is a MIB2 unit? In this case, "elreydelaplaya" from forumgolf7.fr is requesting a support for Discovery Media 2.

Ok, it's very light :/ > pPoiSystemTable.personalComment is used for each category, not for each POI. But `pPoiId` is the primary key and `catId` is a foreign key. I dumped...