
Results 20 comments of 1dot75cm

老版的没问题,等@wang-bin 发布1.4.3,也麻烦您有时间更一下 ^^~

Hi @sbauer322 Some mouths ago, i review some code, and patch it for `electron 1.2.x`. Today, i review and test for `electron 1.3.13`. Just little error, the editor is work...

Currently, only completed the `sogoupinyin` and `ircd-hybrid` package. @sztsian

我这没这个问题, 你用的什么版本?docky- ? @redapple0204

能探测依赖的变化,并 rebuild 应该更好。 @nrechn 全部 rebuild, Jenkins 不够健壮,怕把内存/硬盘都占满了。

~~喔, 刚才在 [oschina](https://my.oschina.net/tojosaki) 看到大神了, 6点钟居然不让评论,快跑到 gayhub 上膜拜一下。~~ @Harinlen

You can run custom scripts via `setuptools.command.install` class. Full example. @JohnGiorgi ```python from setuptools.command.install import install from subprocess import getoutput ... class PostInstall(install): pkgs = ' git+https://www.github.com/keras-team/keras-contrib.git'\ ' https://github.com/huggingface/neuralcoref-models/releases/download/en_coref_md-3.0.0/en_coref_md-3.0.0.tar.gz' def...

Now, this SPEC is full support **el5 / el6 / el7 / fc21 / fc22 / fc23**. In addition, I added the **ModSecurity** module for Tengine. (el5 - modsec **2.8.0**,...

I am a member of the Fedora community(FZUG, Fedora Zh User Group). I wrote a compatible el5\* / el6 / el7 / fc21 / fc22 / fc23 spec file(In line...