op-scim-helm copied to clipboard
Helm charts for the op-scim applications
We should add a trailing newline at the end of the yaml files and check for its existence with the linter. This is important as there are parsers that don't...
We should log a descriptive error when both `.scim.credentialsSecret` and `.scim.credentialsVolume` is set. Currently you get a fairly obscure error when you try to install the resulting chart.
The current configuration only supports TLS termination by by the SCIM bridge (via Let's Encrypt cert), or no TLS. We should expand the config options to allow the user to...
### Summary We need the capability to individually annotate the `Service` resource. ### Use cases In our particular use case, we need to provide the following annotation on the `Service`...
### Your environment Chart Version: Helm Version: version.BuildInfo{Version:"v3.15.4", GitCommit:"fa9efb07d9d8debbb4306d72af76a383895aa8c4", GitTreeState:"clean", GoVersion:"go1.22.6"} Kubernetes Version: v1.28.11-gke.1172000 ## What happened? The template fails to build on k8s v1.28 for PDB, HPA, and Ingress...