Fixed in latest version. Please update your script to 1.21
@JFizDaWiz Is the url in the metadata error message showing the server ip or undefined/library... ? If it shows undefined, there is an issue with calling the Plex Api for...
Ok, so then for some reason it is not finding the correct access token. - What browser are you using? - Which Plex version? - What OS is your Plex...
Do you happen to have multiple servers? Cause I did find an issue with the token search when there are multiple servers available for a user. It's fixed in #51...
This is an odd one. I've tried to reproduce it and also managed to do so but only once. For me it now happened after the first login when using...
What browser and addon for running the script are you using?
Could be an issue with getting the server list. You can try the workaround described here: https://github.com/Kayomani/PlexExternalPlayer/issues/50#issuecomment-792254793
@balle13 @ericvlog sorry to leave you hanging for so long. I've had a lot of things to deal with the last couple months. What script extension are you using? Tampermonkey...
@lazollz you need to add the drive mapping to the script. It's described at the end of the [readme](https://github.com/Kayomani/PlexExternalPlayer/blob/master/README.md). Look for the part with "Find the following chunk in the...
@yepyepyep4711 what do you mean with you lost plus sign replacement? Do you mean you were already using a replace function? There should be no issue with chaining multiple replace...