dol-whd-14c copied to clipboard
The 14(c) system will become a modern, digital-first service. Applicants will be provided an intuitive online experience, guiding them through the information needed to complete their application corr...
- [x] Fix datatable Warning: Requested unknown parameter Cause of undefining parameter at init program
- [x] refresh worksite datatable
- [ ] Wage Data (Piece Rate) Job Name is not displaying in the submitted application PDF.
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When applicant submits an application, a copy of the PDF should be saved to the server.
In the PDF of a submission: - [ ] Extra spacing between sections of 226 (currently identified by line under text) - [ ] Each 226A begins on a new...
Wage Data Section, for both Hourly and Piece Rate, if answer to “Which method did the employer use to determine the prevailing wage for the job or contract identified above?”...
Wage Data Section, for both Hourly and Piece Rate, if answer to “Which method did the employer use to determine the prevailing wage for the job or contract identified above?”...
Application submission: - [ ] When uploading a file, user should be able to enter a name for the attachment.
In the PDF of a submission, the 226A grid column, “Productivity measure/rating for job described above”, is blank if the user selected “n/a – piece rate”.