Results 12 issues of 18718277909

Hi,Thanks for your job Because the feature box of the predicted image output from demo is too thin, it is difficult to see the box clearly,So I would like to...

Hi, Thanks for your job. Can you please tell me how can I create the train.lst to train my datasrt? Can you share your code? Thank you.

Hi, Thanks for your great job. But when I test my dataset, I meet an error "local variable 'image_root' referenced before assignment". So can you please tell me the data...

你好, 感谢你做的贡献,但是我没有在文件夹里面找到evaluate.py,请问可以分享一下吗

你好, 感谢你所做的贡献。 请问我在用DUTS-TR数据集训练网络的时候,我把数据集按照说明需要的方式:images/a.jpg masks/a.jpg,这样放置了,但为什么还是报错‘size of input tensor and input format are different. tensor shape: (1, 1, 28, 28), input_format: CHW’,请问能否解答一下,谢谢

Please follow the steps in the Execution Guideline in README.md. https://github.com/Ugness/PiCANet-Implementation#execution-guide You can put the files anywhere, but you should give the directory as command-line options. If you meet any...

Hello,can you tell me how can I use the Pretrained Model and dataset to make the code work please? Where should I put the downloaded files to make it work?

你好,感谢你所做的贡献 我想请问一下,我运行的我的数据集时候,会出现‘Can not pickle local object 'get_loader,.'’的错误,我在下载你们的MSRA数据集的时候,只有image和mask,并没生成train,test和val的txt,所以我想请问一下,这三个txt是如何生成的,内部格式如何?

你好, 感谢你做的贡献,我想请问一下你训练的数据集是怎么样的?train.txt里面内容是什么?因为我下DUTS数据集训练的时候,一直给我报错‘TypeError: 'NoneType' object is not callable’。 谢谢

你好, 感谢你所做的贡献,我想请问一下训练和测试的时候,数据集路径应该怎么设置,因为我设置以后,总给我报错‘系统找不到指定的路径。: '../dataset/DUTS-TR/images'’,按照这个报错路径设置了也还是报这个错误。 谢谢