**功能需求是否与您遇到的问题有关?请描述。Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe.** 群组里无关人员很多,有时候只想要监控某个人发送的关键信息 **描述您想要的解决方案 Describe the solution you'd like** --- 谢谢您的建议!开发者在有空闲时间时会审查您的建议,并安排相应计划。欢迎一起完善这个项目。
### What happened? I've running this for weeks, and this situation begins days ago. Only the first account drop the reward.  I'm using conda env instead of pipenv, but...
POST /request/,返回如下 ``` { "error": 500, "message": "LINKS is not defined" } ``` 看了一下代码里面似乎没有LINKS的定义,请问要怎么解决?