Currently the location of a lecture is just an info, but should be tappable to be redirected to the `RoomfinderView`:
The DetailsView do not change when tapping on an annotation https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/59373377/177701193-0b1b7a8e-2b2c-4a76-b7a0-07df5f3d3300.mp4
When switching between the cafeterias and the study rooms the complete view is loaded new. This causes a flicker and does integrate the `LoadingView` and the `FailedView` into the UI....
In order to show how a user should enable the token if she/he is using the app for the first time it would be neat to add an animation/video.
In order to store grades, lectures, etc. persistent on the device. Necessary to load the data if no internet connection is possible..
Create an Apple Watch Version of the TCA: - Notifications - Grades - Next Lecture/Exam
See a summary of all notifications. Accessable via the Profile View as new table cell.
Use Siri to find Rooms e.g. "Hey Siri, find Room XY with the Campus App".