Hi, sorry for the late reply (I'm now back from vacation 😄) I'll do some testing by myselfe, but it would be great if you could narrow the problem down....
It should work to just add ``` print(event_list) ``` after line 31. You need to watch out for a correct indent (as it's pythons way of scoping). The call of...
Ok, could you please re-try it with the print in line 31? ``` try: event_list = events(WEBDAV_CALENDAR_URL, fix_apple=WEBDAV_IS_APPLE) print(event_list) event_list.sort(key=sort_by_date) ```
Thanks for testing. This means the problem is surprisingly inside the icalevents library : / You understanding of the try/except is correct, but it can't be used in the way...
Yes, that's it. The github-page seems alive. I even found the issue: https://github.com/jazzband/icalevents/issues/69
Hi, it would be great if this (or a different solution to this bug) could be released, as it currently blocks a project I'm working on : /
@greenking19 Yes, it does
> @13Bytes I pulled this pr, but I don't know how to use it. How can I use this? I don't know how to use it after using 'npm run...
Hi, If ther's no connection to the calendar (or none configured), the display will show "the surrounding". So imagine the first picture in the readme without the calendar-entries in the...
I would get started with printing an arbitrary picture on the screen. You can take a look at my `show_content` function or the documentation of the Waveshare-library. It basically just...