Results 4 issues of 1245244103

Why your results are so much better than the original paper? is there anything different?

你好,请问前后端启动后,上传pdf,pdf内容不显示是什么情况呢? ![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/58716304/235354566-9448b322-ee03-4a5a-b605-ce57af95263d.png)

I run the following script to load the data: ``` python scripts/data/make_conceptnet_data_loader.py ``` However,it reminded me "No such file or directory: 'data/conceptnet//train100k.txt'" Then,i run the script as the instruction of...

hello, i am trying to reproduce the result in the paper.I run the scripts/run_epr.sh successfully. i get the em score of about 71 in mrpc which is 75.98 in the...