Arham Khan

Results 23 comments of Arham Khan

I am experiencing the same error but I am using app.json directly: ``` { "expo": { "owner": "gainesvilleboyz", "name": "Pollen Map", "slug": "pollenbbmap", "version": "1.0.0", "orientation": "portrait", "icon": "./assets/bbhex.png", "userInterfaceStyle":...

The backend I'm using for some of my problem calculations is a bit involved to install, luckily I have a more minimal example based on your code above: ``` from...

> Hmm looks like your example doesn't do the `.to('cuda')` on the instantiated `KroneckerMultiTaskGP`? If you do that does this fix the issue? (note that this was part of your...

Thank you for the help! I can confirm that the above script works with pytorch 1.12.0, gpytorch 1.8.0, and botorch 0.6.5 with no device errors. As an aside (I can...

Hi just wondering on the status of this issue and whether there is anything I could do in the meanwhile to make use of a multitask GP, in my use...

Hi, any reason why this might occur? I noticed that this error occurs for me when I use data that has a lot of data points with the same features...

@saitcakmak I see, I noticed this doesn't happen when I do not include the first three features. Are there any other established ways to incorporate features like this in a...

Hi, is there a working solution for this? The workaround above does not work for me, I am using react-native-maps which uses fragments and triggers the error.