Results 2 issues of 1193279469

hello, I download your code ,but I find I can not find the code such as savemat(src,srcSize,"E:\\Code\\Matlab\\PicTrans\\src.ma"); savemat(map,mapSize,"E:\\Code\\Matlab\\PicTrans\\map.ma"); savemat(cov1,cov1size,"E:\\Code\\Matlab\\PicTrans\\cov1.ma"); //savemat(cov2,cov2size,"E:\\Code\\Matlab\\PicTrans\\cov2.ma"); savemat(cov3,cov3size,"E:\\Code\\Matlab\\PicTrans\\cov3.ma"); I want to know if you have these codes...

hello, I am learning about the increment-KNN-SVM,and I found the ariticle and the code in github,but Idon"t found the" train_data.txt" and the "test_data.txt", In a word ,I can not found...