Results 7 issues of 1146065545

python3 scripts/generate_label.py\ . . . [OSError]: [Error 24] Too many open files

Hello, can you tell me how the code provided by the author can test the trained model and how to visualize it? I've been doing this lately as well, thank...

Hello, I would like to know how to test this model, the code you provided is only train.py and there is no test.py, so how did you get the results...

python3 scripts/train.py \ > +experiment=cvt_nuscenes_vehicle Error executing job with overrides: ['+experiment=cvt_nuscenes_vehicle', 'data.dataset_dir=/home/leezy/disk10t/lzx/cross_view_transformers/media/datasets/nuscenes', 'data.labels_dir=/home/leezy/disk10t/lzx/cross_view_transformers/media/datasets/cvt_labels_nuscenes'] raise InvalidGitRepositoryError(epath) git.exc.InvalidGitRepositoryError: /home/leezy/disk10t/lzx/cross_view_transformers