Results 4 comments of 106084

I also can't get the results I want in the following configuration. Namespace(attSize=85, batch_size=64, beta1=0.5, class_embedding='att', classifier_checkpoint=49, classifier_lr=0.001, classifier_modeldir='./models_classifier', cls_weight=0.01, critic_iter=5, dataroot='/home/suxiangdong/inpainting/lisgan/xlsa17/data', dataset='AWA1', gzsl=True, image_embedding='res101', lambda1=10.0, logdir='logs_awa', lr=1e-05, manualSeed=9182, matdataset=True,...

Thank you for your answer, and I want to know if I can use it on the CPU.

When I used the hyper-parameter you gave and ran the code on the AWA dataset, I achieved the following results. Why is the accuracy so low? EP[29/30]************************************************************************************ First Seen: 86.18%,...

But I have installed cudatoolkit8.0 and cudnn6.0