Hi Jarewa, Thanks for your advice. How do I increase step accuracy, and where do I find the steps/rotation? The point homing speed is (default) 10(mm/sec?), which seems fairly slow...
$101=$102=$103=800. The probe feed rate is at 10mm/sec. However, I suspect I may have found a contributor to the problem: the polarity of the probe electrical connections (to pins A5)...
Thanks for your advice, Max. You will see I have just posted an update, describing the polarity reversal issue I discovered. But there still seems to be some significant height...
Hi Max, I tested your two lines of code, and got z-depth readings that stayed within 1 micron of the 1st reading over a set of 10 readings - which...
Yes, I see what you're saying, Max. Indeed, setting $102=1600 makes the z-displacement 2x what it should be. Clearly, I'm a novice with all of this. So, I've reset $102=800,...
Sorry, "12 um" should be "1~2 um"...
I've been doing a number of height map tests under different conditions, but haven't got to the bottom of why z-differences are so small when measured at one point, and...
Not sure. Their outside diameter is 8mm (hence the "8" in "TR8"?), and they move the head 4 mm with 1 turn. On Fri, Apr 29, 2022 at 1:52 PM...
Hi Madbyte3D, I guess it's good, but also disappointing, to hear I'm not the only one with clumps of hair on the floor over this issue! I still haven't been...
Hi Bruno, Good on you for persevering with this, and it looks like you may have a good technique for improving the height map performance. Personally, I have moved away...