Results 2 issues of 1000000000000000000000000000000

Hello everyone, I am having a difficult time using RoseTTAfold as I am inexperienced with using HPC and more complex installation procedures. I am running into a few problems while...

ERROR: invalid or damaged sequence database to be searched by hhblits: /home/rpearson/Structure_Prediction_Tools/RaptorX-3DModeling/UniRef30_2020_03_hhsuite ERROR: failed to run /home/rpearson/Structure_Prediction_Tools/RaptorX-3DModeling/BuildFeatures/BuildMSAs.sh -d ./ -m 8 ./rcsb_pdb_3NV8.fasta ERROR: failed to run /home/rpearson/Structure_Prediction_Tools/RaptorX-3DModeling/BuildFeatures//BuildFeatures.sh -o ./ -g...