Vashishth Patel

Results 48 comments of Vashishth Patel

while editing your `` just normally copy your image from device and paste it in github editor(while you edit in readme) . It will be uploaded automatically in github. you...

> > Hey! I recently realised that similar one is already there ``. So I suggest you to please edit the existing one , and make a better ui. You...

Yes @Preet-Sojitra ! You Can!

@Ashish4321-hub is there any updates ?

@aman-7299 Specify the issue number ![image](

@BabyElias assign this issue to yourself using `/assign`

Thanks for opening the issue @DarshitBhuva! I will look into it ASAP! Till then show your love by staring my repos 😋Please assign this issue to you by commenting `/assign`.

Thanks for opening the issue @vasu-1! I will look into it ASAP! Till then show your love by staring my repos 😋Please assign this issue to you by commenting `/assign`.

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