
Results 13 issues of 0xorial

1. On the wiki page it is described that nodes can have width and height only. However, in other places I see that parent property is also used? Where I...

It seems that key-down closes the OpenFileDialog and key-up closes the dialog. This can be a bit annoying when you have to add multiple projects and suddenly dialog is closed...

I have a test suite (using mocha) which I want to profile. Is this use case supported? If I run `clinic flame -- node ./node_modules/mocha/bin/mocha.js`, only thing I get in...

Hi, I am looking at TAP from the point of view of IDE integration. TAP currently defines a way for test runners to report testing results to consumers, hence IDE...

I am in the situation now that whenever system boots it is in initramfs, so I have to do `cryptsetup luksOpen /dev/sda3 sda3_crypt` every time on boot. is there a...

`react-native link` doesn't exist anymore. Without it it doesn't seem to work on windows-desktop. ![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/2620634/220445505-896c7a13-d1e7-46f7-8a68-ff4651444ec8.png)

I am trying to generate sql script to apply to db. When I use connected mode everything works, but when I use `cfg.NoConnection = true;` VersionInfo table is not created....



Removing intermediate container 9d71591ca18c ---> ad30b056c585 Successfully built ad30b056c585 Successfully tagged dockerefk_nginx:latest WARNING: Image for service nginx was built because it did not already exist. To rebuild this image you...

From specs > If the Content-Type header, is not present, then: > > 1. OPTIONAL - The content type can be determined from the first few characters of the body...