
Results 9 issues of 0xhex

Hello,when user goes online,system does not receive online event,it shows unavailable any body else facing this issue?

Hello,i couldn't find the qr code string in source. I want to save qr code image as a file,i dont want to show it in terminal Any help?

Hello,how can i change the arrow color?it is black,i want it to white

click detector needs for graph point, for example when i click a point delegate should be called that says this item clicked.

Hello,when i try to subscribe or send message there is no response also socket freezing Any idea?

Hello,for iOS I am getting this error on Mac m1 ventura EntryPointNotFoundException: vtsLogClearSinks assembly: type: member:(null) VtsLog..cctor () (at Assets/Vts/Scripts/BrowserUtil/VtsLog.cs:51) Rethrow as TypeInitializationException: The type initializer for 'VtsLog' threw an...

Hello,does this asset support build for iOS? also I am getting this error when I run the asset store demo

Hello,when i launch 3 emulator i received error from ListDevices function while in terminal adb devices command working nice. When i run 2 device there is no like issue Any...

I am using default animation but it sucks. https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/7974431/115260693-a8ad3c80-a13b-11eb-807f-674308845cdf.mov