I tried to copy over button and got a bit further (missing "bottle" and "pyspark" dependencies) but then it breaks again on a pyspark API change: > ~/.local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pyspark/cloudpickle.py in _make_cell_set_template_code()...
Latter is because I'm on Python 3.8, which PySpark 2.4.5 does not support.
I hit this just now after fixing #361. I'll see what I can do to support all-in-one loading, including the libzmq dependency and submit another pull request.
@sfitts yes, it does, but with a caveat: only on Linux. I found on MacOS X and Solaris x86 (possibly others) the RPATH variable gets used by the JNI shared...
MacOS X working now as well with this pull: https://github.com/zeromq/jzmq/pull/363 The trick is you need to make the *.dylib a relocatable library, where the library path is relative to the...
I see this as well. It works fine with "npx jscpd" but fails with "pre-commit run --all-files" during installation of jscpd. From pre-commit.log: ``` ### version information ``` pre-commit version:...
.pre-commit-config.yaml excerpt: ``` - repo: https://github.com/kucherenko/jscpd rev: v3.5.10 hooks: - id: jscpd args: [--min-tokens, "50", --format, "json"] ```
@hubcio have you thought about using GitHub Projects more? I started playing with it the other day on a personal project and it might help with workflow.
Given the large # of dependencies, would it be worth adding using `cargo-chef`? This will speed up builds. https://www.lpalmieri.com/posts/fast-rust-docker-builds