Ivorforce, Here are the list of features that are sorely needed: [Editing] 1.) Ability by command to replace all blocks from a mod with another. -- Reason: to remove all...
Confirmed, this is a repeatable issues. ### Version: Minecolonies: minecolonies-1.12.2-0.10.714-RELEASE-universal.jar Minecraft: 1.12.2 Forge: MinersAdvantage: MinersAdvantage-1.12.2- ### Expected behavior: Using MinersAdvantage to mine a complete vein of an ore, or...
I got feedback from the minecolonies dev team, basically MinersAdvantage needs to apply the user UUID to each block as it is mining to fix this issue. commented here: https://github.com/ldtteam/minecolonies/issues/4458
Raycoms commented: basically he has to call the breakBlock method that gets a player and give it the player that is using the tool. And not set the block air...
Using forge version and MinersAdvantage-1.12.2- I was able to set the forced server settings and the run the game without crashing. I'm suspecting this might be from copying the...
Here's a stacktrace of the crash; let me know if you want a full crashlog? ``` java.lang.NullPointerException: null > at co.uk.duelmonster.minersadvantage.config.MAConfig_Captivation.bEnabled(MAConfig_Captivation.java:32) ~[MAConfig_Captivation.class:?] > at co.uk.duelmonster.minersadvantage.config.MAConfig_Captivation.bEnabled(MAConfig_Captivation.java:32) ~[MAConfig_Captivation.class:?] > at co.uk.duelmonster.minersadvantage.events.ClientEvents.onClientTick(ClientEvents.java:105) ~[ClientEvents.class:?]...
Tested, crashes if the server has config ``` "Override Client Feature Enablement§r"=true ``` on both cases if client has same setting true or false
Additionally it would be nice to have a button or way to click that could toggle between the following: - Show ALL - Only Show base on inventory what I...