
Results 5 comments of 0xdd96

Note: This issue is similar to #3168, hope my analysis will help.

Did you copy-paste the file from browser? The poc contains special characters in the end. ``` ❯ xxd ffjpeg-bmp_load-integer-overflow 00000000: 5f55 5555 5555 553d 3635 7155 5555 5455 _UUUUUU=65qUUUTU 00000010:...

The complete compilation process is as follows. Feel free to ask if you encountered any problems. ``` user@c3ae4d510abb:$ git clone https://github.com/rockcarry/ffjpeg.git ffjpeg-caade60 Cloning into 'ffjpeg-caade60'... remote: Enumerating objects: 438, done....

I use afl-gcc to compile the target program. ``` CC=afl-gcc CXX=afl-g++ make -e -j ``` It looks like the program invoked different fread. ``` # make -j pwndbg> b jfif.c:175...

I cannot reproduce your crash in Bento4 version 1.6.0-636, but SUCCEEDED in Bento4 version 1.6.0-637. Is the version number you provided wrong?