
Results 3 comments of Ângelo

Hi there, I am also interested in reproducing the results for SVG(1). I have my own [implementation](https://github.com/angelolovatto/raylab/blob/master/raylab/agents/svg/svg_one.py) of SVG(1), but some details about the implementation in the original [paper](http://papers.nips.cc/paper/5796-learning-continuous-control-policies-by-stochastic-value-gradients) are...

Hi Daniel and sorry for the late reply. I believe this error is due to missing the `--name` parameter in the `raylab experiment` command (I forgot to set this as...

I also get the same error in mujoco-py using Anaconda python3.6, although everything works when I switch to python3.7 [(Issue #331)](https://github.com/openai/mujoco-py/issues/331)