Mihir Patil
Mihir Patil
One issue with using fields in other places to determine the length of compound arrays is that we would need to implement a variable system for the parser. Maybe, we...
Yeah, I agree. We shouldn't try to scope this to be a full-blown parser, as there would be far too many edge cases for where to define metrics. I'm going...
This bug is present on my personal website: mihirpatil.me (https://github.com/0xMihir/personal-website/). I narrowed the issue down to a single if block in the [Navbar](https://github.com/0xMihir/personal-website/blob/main/src/lib/components/navbar.svelte) component. It's a lot easier to reproduce...
I'm unsure if this is related, but any generated items are not added to the manifest. I'm running into a similar issue to the one mentioned here (https://github.com/xiphux/svimg/issues/16#issuecomment-1201612762). This package...