
Results 57 issues of 0xKitsune

First off, thanks for making such an awesome set of challenges, they have been a ton of fun! While I was going through each challenge, there were parts where I...

Right now, there are some tests within the compiler and parser mods, but there should be more extensive tests validating things like `PUSH10 0X01`, as well as validating the correct...

Create a simple gas benchmark testing of the major smart contract languages against hand tuned opcodes with EVMM.

Make error messages nicer to read. Also, handle some errors more gracefully. Right now, there are a few places that use `unwrap()` when an error may occur.

Create a CI pipeline that runs the following (and maybe some other things): - `cargo fmt` - `cargo clippy` - `cargo build --verbose` - `cargo test --verbose`

I started a draft for the stages chapter in the book but wanted to stop before going too far to get some feedback on the direction. I would love to...

Opening this issue to start brainstorming around what the CFFM book might look like. I think the book should look something like the Foundry book, walking through the different mods...


Right now, the current logic is getting the `amount_0` and `amount_1` from `log_data[1]`. This is incorrect as the `amount_0` should be retrieved from `log_data[0]`. All logic used to sync pools...


Some functions that call the node (ex. Syncing, getting pool data, etc) can use a multicall to complete much faster. We should implement this where applicable. There should be an...
