I also try to run `srv.py` from terminal but i got the same error: ``` python srv.py --cert-dir veles+ssl://[email protected]:3135 /home/reverser/.local/share/CodiSec/Veles/veles.vdb INFO:root:Świtezianka server is starting up... INFO:root:Opening database... Traceback (most recent...
Hello i'm using arch linux and same here. I have used both two commands below: ``` yay -S tizonia-all yay -S tizonia-all-git ``` They both give the same error above....
> Hello,I always have the problem " Failed to find low stub in physical memory!" > Do you have some suggestion? I hope to receive your rely! On target machine,...
Are you using you target machine "Debug mode ON" Because i am getting the same error when my target machine is set to `bcdedit /set debug yes` @chompie1337 any ideas?
> Hmm, so it seems like it's possible the low stub is not present on the VM. it does a search for it at all physical addresses > EDIT: tested...
Same as in solarized theme?
I am still waiting :/