Results 6 comments of 0xDC00

Trampolines: ``` Jump to a relative offset: E9 44 33 22 11 | jmp rip+0x11223344 ; Relative jump to ±2Gb only (5 bytes)

Agent is an electron app, try: `wine agent.exe` or `wine agent.exe --disable-gpu --no-sandbox`.

Depends on the script, just try... Agent (linux) => wine (target win32); Another solution (frida-server running inside wine): Agent (linux) => frida-server => target then input Target: `` (frida-server ip:port)...

Latest release added remote frida-server support.

It is doable, but unstable. Each game/engine use it own format (plain text, binary). Invalid changes (wrong format) may crash the game. Instead... We can inject another dialogue into the...

Not related to agent, each game need specific scripts. Latest Agent has overlay support (ingame): ![image](