Can confirm the issue
Any feedback?
Dear ESA-PRL, @diogopbrandao, @martinazkarate, @levingerdes, it is not an easy commitment to support this project. Basically ideas from the community are staying unreviewed and uncommented. Obivous bugs stay in the...
Dear ESA-PRL, @diogopbrandao, @martinazkarate, @levingerdes, any updates on the merging process? Best regards
I close this pull request. I integrated this function in https://github.com/0xD0M1M0/ExoMy_Software/tree/official_main. All further updates from me are there.
I like the PR. The code looks good, testing is pending time for integration. In the "config_drive_motor_neutral.py", I would leave the people a choice if they have motors with potentiometer...