Parimal Raj
Parimal Raj
@admincast can we use free version for commercial use ?
I am facing the same issue ``` Compiling: site.scss Beginning compile: C:\Project\Content\site.scss Ignoring compile due to stale document. ``` To make the extension working i did a dirty fix by...
unofficial build : just a temporary solution until new extension is released.
@darrenkopp The second commit was supposed to be a feature and was created after creating pull request for `30cdb00`, I am not sure why GitHub added `a279432` to pull request.
@rb-paychoice you can use this unofficial build compiled by me. On 24-Dec-2015 7:13 am, "rb-paychoice" [email protected] wrote: > Any chance we could get the 'Ignoring compile due to stale...