Results 24 issues of 0x7FFFFFFFFFFFFFFF

ultisnips支持`!p`在snippet中执行python代码,请问Vsnips支持这个功能吗?谢谢。 ``` 4.4.4 Global Snippets: *UltiSnips-globals* Global snippets provide a way to reuse common code in multiple snippets. Currently, only python code is supported. The result of executing the contents...

``` PS C:\> (gcm -module dbatools | Measure-Object).Count 707 PS C:\> ```

Refactored the T-SQL scripting for user-role assignments to enforce independence between scripts. This change removes the need to track which roles have been scripted, preventing dependency issues when scripts are...

Updated the recovery logic to include databases in standby mode. Previously, the code only addressed databases in the restoring state, which did not account for standby scenarios. This change ensures...

This commit fixes a bug where `$_`, which should only reference the caught error object within `catch` blocks, was incorrectly used in `Stop-Function` calls outside of `catch` blocks. This could...

### Verified issue does not already exist? I have searched and found no existing issue ### What error did you receive? No errors. Just wrong results. ### Steps to Reproduce...

bugs life
triage required

### Verified issue does not already exist? I have searched and found no existing issue ### What error did you receive? When I attempt to generate the creation script for...

bugs life
triage required

Hi, I'm using the v1.1.5 portable version. When I click the top right corner "Capture region by user selection" button, nothing happened. I can't select anything. How can I just...


During my testing, I found that the underscore character is not allowed in the target name. Attempting to include it results in the following error: > New-IscsiServerTarget : Unable to...

I'm playing with XESmartTarget and found that it is not able to create the `batch_text column`. The following is my event session code. ``` CREATE EVENT SESSION test_session ON SERVER...