
Results 9 comments of 0rtz

@roosta would be cool to toggle a specific workspace on and off on the fly. Thanks!

adding ```ZSH_AUTOSUGGEST_CLEAR_WIDGETS+=(bracketed-paste)``` works only if ```ZSH_AUTOSUGGEST_STRATEGY``` equals to ```history```, but if i add ```completion``` suggestion is still not cleared upd: nvm, seems problem was also in ohmyzsh magic functions turned...

I see the same behaviour as nand11 with version 3.21

> There's already a integrated spell checker in upstream vim, the spelling dictionary files are located under runtime/spell. To enable it you just run `:set spell spellang=`, replacing with your...

Calling `:NightfoxCompile` explicitly after install from neovim works without error

Im using coc.nvim + coc-clangd with clangd version 11.0.0 and can not get highlighting of inactive regions in macros to work aswell, those code regions just do not get LspCxxHlSkippedRegion...

That makes sense. Import of previously exported selections would be useful

Seeing same issue in c files with treesitter + matchup enabled