Rustam Ibragimov

Results 80 issues of Rustam Ibragimov

Zakroi plz 🥇

Imagine we have the following code: ```ruby load_from_yaml root.join("config/redis/default.yml") load_from_yaml root.join("config/redis/#{env}.yml"), strict: false ``` **may bee** it would be nice to have this for file with the same nature/type/domain: ```ruby...

Check the gem and investiage this library for is this solution is better than already used for toml parsing or not

Or, change the deafult behavior to `safe_load` and add an ability to optional switching to `unsafe_load` for each class separately


For example: ```ruby class Config < Qonfig::DataSet setting :kek, expose_if: -> { some_code } # or setting :kek, expose_if: :some_method_name # --- values_file 'kek.yml' # or load_from_file (or yaml or...

For example: ```ruby config.configure do |conf| conf.__load_from_yaml__(yaml_path) end ``` Or: disabling of an ability of defenitioning `internal` setting keys as methods like `load_from_file`

PoC: Change file -> refresh config instance :O - refresh only changed keys (`yes`) - affect only `values_file`? (`dunno`) - affect `expose/load_from` too? i think `no`

```yaml kek: pek: cheburek: '1' fek: balabek: '2' ``` ```ruby expose 'file_path', subset: 'kek.fek', (and etc: via, env:, ...) # and etc ```