
Results 25 comments of 0beqz

Ah okay I see. Well it looks like the control plane's transparency is causing issues which makes it reflect as well. So if you don't want to have reflections for...

Thanks, I'll try to look into that in the next few days to see what's causing the issue.

Hmm, well so I could definitely separate the steps to set up TR. So for example I could create a separate directory "temporal-resolve" where all the steps such as generating...

Hey, thanks a lot for fixing it.

This seems to be an issue with the `depthDistance` and `worldDistance` being too low in the temporal reprojection pass (they are defined here: https://github.com/0beqz/realism-effects/blob/main/src/temporal-reproject/TemporalReprojectPass.js#L17). I think at that distance there...

Hey, thanks a lot for the PR. I'll look into the changes later on. I also noticed issues with the banding on ground plane but couldn't really find the particular...

That will be fixed in the [v2](https://github.com/0beqz/realism-effects/tree/poisson-recursive) branch. I switched from a custom material to a modified `MeshPhysicalMaterial` copying all the props of the original one there.

Agreed, I think the best way is to add many codesandbox examples once the new version is out. Especially when it's integrated into r3f-postprocessing.

Thanks! Yes, mobile support is always a priority. There are always platform-specific issues when implementing features so I have to look into these bugs before releasing new versions. Which AO...

Yes it is planned, as it used to be supported in the screen space reflections effect. I'll work on it. I'll look into the issue with the lines