Ricky Han

Results 29 comments of Ricky Han

I was able to achieve real time performance with the highly optimized bitmap backend and pass the RGB into your UI framework of choice.

``` python import requests from bs4 import BeautifulSoup import json r = requests.get('https://borntofeel.herokuapp.com/login') soup = BeautifulSoup(r.text) csrftoken = soup.find('input',{'type':'hidden'})['value'] client = requests.session() client.cookies['csrftoken']=csrftoken r = client.post('http://borntofeel.herokuapp.com/login/',data={'username':'1','password':'1','csrfmiddlewaretoken':csrftoken}) fname='1.png' r = client.post(url='http://borntofeel.herokuapp.com/pins/create-image/',...

@overshard :+1: Your django code is a joy to read and improve on. Thanks man.

I am working on this. We should avoid overloading `.` operator. This makes every compiler stage harder to implement. We can introduce `::` namespace token similar to Rust and C++....

Just encountered this error on Win11. Don't think adding nochecks to anything is a solution since the error indicates the compiled code runs into a buffer overflow possibly overwriting return...

Great! Please open Issues tab under Settings tab.

Thanks. Your code is very well written. Can you integrate this piece? https://github.com/n0mad01/node.bittrex.api/issues/67#issuecomment-328290650

txtpen is the only service that provides highlighting and in-text commenting similar to Medium. I think adding txtpen in the official documentation will benefit new Jekyll users and bring web...