Ricky Han

Results 29 comments of Ricky Han

To clarify, the value is editable but when only the min is supplied(presumably `min > max`) does not have any effect at all.

The only way get Context is https://docs.rs/imgui/0.1.0/imgui/struct.Ui.html#method.imgui which is > Deprecated since 0.1.0: This function is potentially unsafe and will be removed

Nice. Do you have a simple example for MSE? Something like 1 layer + ReLU for XOR.

Also this could be really useful for remote collaboration if there's a text chat.

Yes CodeMirror has Vim, Emacs and Sublime key integration. I got stuck on displaying dropdown. If you can take a look it would be perfect.

@rmnoon it's working now. Could you please test it? Thanks.

Step to reproduce: 1. Switch mode to Java 2. type `{` 3. press Return/Enter 4. type `}` Codemirror seems to be correcting the formatting.

Hi. Awesome software, very cleanly written. I followed your code style and got the keymap selection feature working. From now on, blindpad will be one of my main tools.

My guess is you are using tensorflow 1.2 You need to change some API calls according to https://github.com/google/seq2seq/pull/254

@ashleymaeconard @fayazahasan The original poster added the fix in his post. Add this line... ```python X = tf.cast(X,tf.float32) ``` to... https://github.com/tgjeon/TensorFlow-Tutorials-for-Time-Series/blob/4672e506a8a0364c4b58d591e5d9486ce0e0269c/lstm_predictor.py#L114