I get this crash randomly while I play in a world.
I wanted to suggest some ideas that could improve the AbyssalCraft, making them more interesting and diversified. This is so far everything I thought. - Overworld - Darkstone gravel, sand,...
I just wanted to give some suggestions of hives which misses. - Sandy hive (spawn in desert and mesa biomes) - Limestone hive - Basalt hive - Diorite hive -...
The gold, copper, and netherite don't support as much blocks as iron, it would be great and coherent if all the ores supported the same blocks: - Copper door, trapdoor,...
I get some errors from Supplementaries in the log.
I notably think about milk.
And here is the list for the kiln now, I hope it can help. - Minecraft - stone - smooth stone - smooth (red) sandstone - smooth quartz - (glazed)...
It's just a suggestion I had already made for generating the redwood trees inside forest biomes intead of plain biomes. It would be more logic, and it looks better. I...
Now Natura doesn't prevent more the BiomesOPlenty and NetherEx biomes to spawn in the nether when the nether override option is true, but the tained soil and heat sand still...
It would be more logic...