### Steps to reproduce Execute Build instructions for macOS: ./tdesktop/Telegram/build/prepare/mac.sh report: /opt/homebrew/opt/llvm/bin/llvm-ranlib: error: Invalid option: '-no_warning_for_no_symbols' when i build Libraries/qt_6_3_1 ### Expected behaviour build succeed ### Actual behaviour build failed...
当我将 snap-djinni 移植到自己的项目,并尝试使用 DataRef时,有以下报错: `DataRef_jni.cpp:34:25: error: object of type 'GlobalRef' (aka 'GlobalRef') cannot be assigned because its copy assignment operator is implicitly deleted classObject = jniFindClass("java/nio/ByteBuffer");` The tips are as...
Dear author: Today,i am coufused, when i saw the codes。As follows: ` // setup fsm::call &on(const fsm::state &from, const fsm::state &to) { //XXX 这个返回应该是值传递还是什么呢? //XXX 但是这个可是全局变量啊 //XXX 会不会出现重复添加的情况呢? callbacks[bistate(from, to)];...
swift教程-构造过程-构造器代理图 等图片无法展示