
Results 5 issues of tanya_

When I go to select a date for my event, I have to keep on right/left swiping to select the appropriate date. When I hover on the year, it should...

04 type: enhancement

### Which pre-existing JavaScript project will you be working on? I would be working on the overall look of the page, which will include all the JS projects. ### Describe...

### Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe. When I clicked on try now button, I landed on the home page for login where the color contrast...


![Screenshot 2023-09-16 112247](https://github.com/adrianhajdin/project_ai_summarizer/assets/140234197/34338339-b3ad-4a2d-ae95-0a9ac602e985)

After entering my email and password for signing up on the website, the sign-up process is unresponsive, preventing me from completing the registration. This issue needs to be addressed to...
