
Results 249 comments of 07akioni

> @07akioni I am not sure what's BP to solve this issue. Do not let new props override builtin props. If you want it work for style, code like this:...

> Yep, I think you shouldn't change style to ref, you can derive value using imgProps in `deriveStyle`. I think it may solve the problem.

> Is there any good way to merge `CSSStyleDeclaration` (used to override style in `deriveStyle`) and `StyleValue` (`style` passed as `imgProp`)? As any is okay.

> > > Is there any good way to merge `CSSStyleDeclaration` (used to override style in `deriveStyle`) and `StyleValue` (`style` passed as `imgProp`)? > > > > > > As...

> 顺带问问,有没有办法更改表格的滚动条样式,,太细了不好控制 滚动条暂时没有,也考虑加一下


> https://www.naiveui.com/zh-CN/os-theme/components/data-table#fixed-header-column 这俩其实有点区别,antdv 那个要贴着页面顶端。我也不知道实现起来是不是麻烦