
Results 249 comments of 07akioni

I hope I can have time to implement it, it won't be easy. My underlying utils lib doesn't support horizontal virtual scroll yet.


估摸着四五十万页就是极限了,select 只能放那么多 options,再多了好像 DOM 搞不了那么高

We need to consider about it.

> ### This function solves the problem (这个功能解决的问题) > 第一次点击展开图标,tree 调用 load 从服务器加载子节点, 第二次点击展开图标,tree 调用 load 再次从服务器加载子节点(期望)。 而现在,第二次点击不能重新加载子节点(目前不能达成)。 > > ### Expected API (期望的 API) > treeOption.shallowLoaded = false >...

我暂时还没想到啥特别好的办法直接完成这个效果,或许增加一个 `load-on-expand`

> 已经验证可以通过 把 children 干掉(delete 或者 设置为 undefined ),然后进行重新加载,前提是必须先通过 expandKeys 将父节点收缩(设置为非展开状态),否则会报错。 收缩是必须的,不然都不知道展示啥

Can you specify which effect is needed? After seeing the page I can't figure out which is important. The problem is about more slots but the way to customize the...

Currently it's the expected behavior. Naive need some color computation to create theme variables.