Hi! Thanks for sharing the great work! I have some questions about PoolFormer. If I explain PoolFormer like the following attachments, can I say PoolFormer is just a non-trainable MLP-like...
Hi! Thanks for sharing the great work! I have a confusion that how did you implement trilinear interpolation on point clouds in the block of transition up. Because I think...
Hi! Thanks for sharing the great work! I have some questions that I want to discuss with the authors and everyone interested in this work. In Brief, do you think...
Thank you for your excellent work. I would like to inquire whether a certain modification could potentially enhance the speed of your model's computation. The `LayerNorm2d` involves the operation `[(x...
Thanks for bringing the idea of attention to wsss in point cloud! I met two issues in this work 1. In https://github.com/plusmultiply/mprm/blob/master/datasets/Scannet_subcloud.py#L798 You make the center of the sub-cloud different...